Botanical Flowers List
Mallow Flower:
Mallow flowers or usually called Malva often considered a symbol of love. People often say that the mallow flower meaning is a symbol of health and protection as well. The stem of the Mallow plant is covered with tiny hairs and has coiled shoots.
Small and Large Rose Buds:
Rosebuds symbolize beauty, youth, and a heart innocent of love. Red rosebuds mean purity and loveliness and white rosebuds signify girlhood or “too young to love.” The moss rosebud stands for confessions of love.
Organic Heather:
The heather flower meaning can also vary by colour, as much as by region. Common definitions include protection, admiration, good luck, solitude, independence, and beauty. The name Heather flower comes from hather, the English word for an open field of flowers.
Blue Cornflower:
Blue is the most common and most popular colour of the cornflower flower. The blue variant of the flower inherits almost every traditional symbolism generally ascribed to cornflowers. Mostly, the blue cornflower is seen as a symbol of freedom, vastness, courage and hope.
Lavender Flower:
Lavender flowers are purple in colour and the colour purple is associated with the crown chakra, which is the energy centre associated with higher purpose and spiritual connectivity. The crown or 7th chakra is located at the top of the head and the vibration of the crown is the highest vibration in the physical body.
Jasmine Buds:
Symbolism of Jasmine Blossoms Jasmines are adored as emblems of good luck and fortune. The flowers symbolize the abundance in blessings and the achieved progress in life.
Calendula Flower:
Calendula is used to help those who have a hard time communicating clearly learn to do so with warmth, opening them to receive the messages of others and communicate from their hearts in a way that engenders understanding. Calendula is used to help people learn to use words as a Spiritual force, one that’s receptive of and open to creative and healing communication.
White Cornflower:
White Cornflower Flower Image Source White is a colour of purity, innocence and honour. White cornflowers are rare, and mainly found as cultivars.
A plant with leaves that have sharp points, and seeds that are used for making an oil used in cooking: Safflower oil is low in the sort of fats that are considered to be bad for people's health.
Chamomile Flower:
Chamomile flowers carry the symbolic meaning of rest, peace, poise, calmness. The flower is also a sign of renewal and rebirth in many cultures due to its ability to bloom for long periods and resist wear from foot traffic.
Hibiscus Flower:
As the hibiscus has been so beloved for so long, there are many uses and meanings behind the hibiscus flower that spreads across various cultures and countries. Luckily, the main symbolism behind the hibiscus flower is love, joy, happiness, success and good fortunes!
Chrysanthemum Flower:
The word “Chrysos” means gold, and “Anthemon” means flower. The name reflects both the beauty and wealth. Chrysanthemums are most frequently found in shades of orange and yellow.